tessane chinWH

Jamaica’s rising soulful reggae singer perform at the residence of the Black imperial representative, Michelle and Barack Obama. Washington DC home of the redskins and the seat of world finance and military prowess. Interestingly it recorded its twenty-eight murders, majority of which are blacks. The honorable Marcus Garvey Statue Still lies at the Organization of American States just couple kilometers from the centre of Tessane performance. One wonders if Tessane realize that her national hero is still listed as a criminal in the department of Justice Archives.

It would be befitting as a representative of a country with such musical and historical prowess and whose dignity is still held hostage by The United States refusal to exonerate our national hero, that she would request musically his freedom from this ignoble act. Such an act from Tessane would validate her as a true representative of the majority of Jamaicans.