The new world order, globalization, democracy, transparency are all uttered repeatedly by the mainstream media to impress upon the unaware the holy nature of these concepts. If analyze objectively one would realize that it is really a smokescreen for corruption, war, unemployment, urban blight, chaos and pilfering of public assets.

The world is now experiencing the result of all these pronouncement with the unfolding of chronic economic crisis that they tried to blame on the united states mortgage crisis and a financial scammer name Madoff.

Lets look at a recent revelation from the mouthpiece of the the private sector in Jamaica, the daily Gleaner. The Pegasus hotel was sold by the government through the UDC to Mr Issa minority investor for $13.14 per share,then Mr Essa sold the same share for $22.50, a whopping $9.36 per share loss to the government!! This is democracy,transparency and good governance. This is the reality of our political system irrespective of the party we have in power.

Mr. Golding will now retire and join his compatriot,mr.seaga and Mr. Patterson and subsequently provide a litany of speeches of what should be done to rectify the system that they created for the private owners of our wealth.