Letter to the Prime Minister...

It is with great concern that this letter is penned to get your attention to the gravity of the monstrous impact of your government decision to agree with the dictates of the IMF/PSOJ structural adjustment program. The attainment of the highest post in government was widely received by our people and the world, a black woman becoming prime minister of a small but proud country with world class accolades in all sphere of human endeavor. The majority black of our beloved country having born the brunt of colonial oppression and tribal intrigues look forward to you in improving their deteriorating conditions by providing them the bare necessity of human survival. They are tired of being economic refugees, they are tired of the selling off of their assets without their input, they are tired of seeing the NO VACANCY signs, they are tired of training foreign workers and then be fired, they are tired of the violence, they are tired of the corruption within government, the are tired of the astronomical profit that the foreign banks are making in Jamaica, they are tired of the starvation among the elderly and the youths, they are tired of the high cost of living, they are tired of the social decay and moral degradation in our country and they are tired of the colonial constitution that allows this to happen for over fifty years.

Our people cannot withstand this anymore and it is time you fulfill your true potential and not be dictated to by the financial interest that is the beneficiary of this gambling arrangement. Your Stewardship is a result of our people hard struggle spearheaded by NANNY, PAUL BOGLE, SAM SHARPE, MARCUS GARVEY, GEORGE WILLIAM GORDON, TACKY, NORMAN MANLEY and many others should not go in vein. It is not too late to deliver on your promise and to preserve the founding principle of a political party that put the interest of the poor first. Failure to do so will see you and your party on the path of self immolation.