Jamaica's failed economic policy

The current economic and political situation is getting worse daily. On the political front both parties are paralyze because of its consistent alignment with the private sector and the western economic mechanism spearheaded by the International Monetary Fund.  The country lacks a national leader that can carry our country into the twenty first century.  The old style politics where patronages, elitism, corruption, dictatorial habits, are cemented on a daily basis still prevail. The majority of our people who are black are still not involved in the administration of the nation affairs. Both Parties have signed on to the private sector driven privatization program thus resulting in more unemployment, devaluation, murders and migration. The government is still reviewing other national assets to be sold. The Private sector has yet to play its part in investing in exported oriented companies so as to reduce the pressure on our currency. The private sector is putting its money into government funds and the stock market hence the rapid percent increase. The foreign entity sends its profit to the mother country thus our country is left without funds for meaningful investments for growth.

The Jamaica patriotic movement has warned of the serious repercussion on our social and economic fabric. The development of our country can only occur with the government taking the lead position in all development and investment policies .We have also endorse the PNP as the vehicle suited currently to carry out this program as they are more likely to protect our national interest and sovereignty.  The Jamaica labor party has shown that it is still stuck in a colonial hive with its opposition of the Caribbean court of final arbitration.