The International Monetary Fund recently gave Jamaica a passing grade for its adherence to the goals set out by this organization for receiving funds. Historically, all recipients of IMF funds usually end up in a bankrupt state. Africa is a vivid example of the results of this type of economic medicine which net result is to keep your economy tied to the imperial empire and subservient to their economy, in short you lose all your independence and sovereignty.
Jamaica economic situation will only get worse as the government is told by this institution not to get involve in production only concentrate on security and taxation. The taxation effect is felt by all sector of the society especially the poor. The only entity that benefit is the private sector and their foreign accomplices. What lies for the future of our country is more murder, more unemployment, more suicides, more migration, more corruption, decaying social government services and more alienation. The IMF strategy is to keep the rich in control and to allow them to get richer at the expense of the majority, Jamaica is no exception.