This will be a continuing fact page on important events in Black history. This will include facts on blacks in North America, The Caribbean, North and South America and the Motherland (Africa).
June 16, 1976 was the start of the Soweto Student Uprising for better Education in South Africa.
June 19, 1865 is known as JuneTeenth, the oldest known celebration commemmorating the ending of slavery in the United States. Note that this was two and a half year after President Lincoln's Emancipation Declaration.
June 2 this month, Herb McKenley sets the World record for the 400 meters.
June 7, 1692 was the Earthquake that took place at Port Royal that kill over 3,000 persons. Port Royal was once known as the wickedest city on Earth.
June 10, 1940, Marcus Mosiah Garvey founder of UNIA and a National hero in Jamaica, died in London from heart failure.
June 21, 1965 Martin Luther King Jr was given the Keys to Kingston at a reception at the National Stadium in Kingston, Jamaica.