Government should legislate People,s Power

      The newly elected government should immediately called parliament into session and legislate the most important pressing issues facing the country at this time,unemployment and the astronomical debt that we cannot pay.The high unemployment is the reason for the high crime rate, the increase in foreclosure,the migration of our skilled professional to the western world. This session should not last no more than ninety days. They must pass a job bill that will utilize the two most important public entity at its disposal, The housing trust and the department of agriculture. Where will the money come? by renegotiating the debt and use the savings to fund a government driven housing construction to satisfy the demand of our citizens for affordable accommodations. Butch Stewart the darling of the elites and the power structure called for our country to put emphasis on export although he himself is ceremoniously opening up car dealerships, not investing in export oriented businesses.His suggestion however is correct and that is where agriculture could be targeted as a foreign exchange earner.

The Greece approach should be use so as to have our three quarter trillion dollar principal debt to the private sector be on the negotiating table,the private sector have a national duty to play ,they benefited off the high interest rate policies of the Patterson government.The poor and the working class cannot take any more.Our Prime minister tepid approach to this crisis by asking businesses to employ a few people will be a total failure,the people elected her to be the employer not the private sector.