The body politics of our beloved country have been shaken of the request by the greatest military power on earth,the united states of america to extradite DUDUS to stand trial on drug and gun charges.Our democratic system inherited from british colonialism and accepted by our imperial friend allow the member of parliament to be elected without living in that constituency.It

is not surprising then that the most popular person in tivoli is not the Prime Minister but dudus(the President). Our tribalist  used these sons and daughters of the poor and working class to deliver the votes during tense and sometimes violent election.Our Prime Minister as head of country has claimed that the united states did not follow the procedures agreed upon as stipulated in our bi-lateral exradition treaty.If Mr. Golding is correct then the United States should be held accountable.If Mr.golding is lying then he should be held accountable by parliament and possible removed from office. We are a sovereign country and have the right and duty to defend that status. We did sign that treaty and it should be enforce by both parties.

The main stream media should stop misleading our people of what is involve here.It is not surprising that the private sector is silent on the possibility that the united states might have violated the legal process. Let the justice department investigate the manner and report to the jamaican people what actually transpired.Our tribal parliamentary system breeds corruption,poverty,croynism,elitism and the garrisons. The jamaican media is parroting the idea that if Mr. Coke is extradited the  garrison will disappear, Mr. Coke will only be replace by another Don. The whole political system is in crisis and both parties are to be blame.They have become so detach from the populace the they are now blaming satanic force for the problems that they are a part of. Recently  Marva Mcdonald-Bishop the supreme court judge stated "THE SYSTEM IS in CRISIS" she called on the government to set up an independent court services agency so that the court can be independent of the executive. We endorse that proposal.it would depoliticize the judiciary. WE would add and call for an independent electoral commission with its own mandate to conduct elections. This commision would have its own security apparatus to secure our sacred right to vote,  they would set the date for election and require that all person aspiring for office be a resident of that constituency and a jamaican citizen.The Commission executive should be elected by the electorate so as to be independent also of the executive.