Crime and violence will be met with an ‘iron fist’ approach and all our police personnel must be equipped with the necessary tools to fight crime. Social intervention must be at the forefront. JPM supports the work of the Peace Management Initiative (PMI). The PMI is a community-based approach to conflict resolution. It has been working at the grassroots level to reduce violence and bring peace to fractured communities, since 2002. Today, the PMI works in St Catherine, Clarendon, St James, and Hanover. When the PMI enters a community in conflict, it goes in with a cadre of experts, such as social workers, violence interrupters, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, ministers of religion, and data analysts. Its work is also supported by a dedicated band of volunteers from within the various communities, as well as international agencies.
Community policing will be another of the methods that will be employed. Police presence in every community will be a permanent fixture, with officers residing in the community. A holistic approach will be implemented. Each resident will be comfortable relating and interacting with the men and women on the police force. The officers must be seen as the protectors and servants of the community.
Educational facilities and opportunities will be afforded to inmates in the Correctional Centers to prepare them for re-entry into society. Counseling and mentorship will form part of this positive rehabilitation.
All police officers will be paid livable salaries and afforded all the benefits of the State, so as to limit the temptation of corruption. Housing and medical allowances will be provided along with educational opportunities, in order to foster upward mobility. All efforts will be directed towards fulfilling the mission statement of the Police Federation. We would explore the possibilities of having superintendents vie for leadership of the parish they reside in through an electoral process monitored by the EOC. From the thirteen elected we would choose the commissioner of police.
These changes along with the eradication of poverty will ensure the peaceful enjoyment of all as prescribed in our constitution.