During his tenure as finance minister, Mr. Audley Shaw recommendation was to take the loan from the IMF to pay our Local Bondholders!! In his program of so call “stabilization for growth” he also suggested that money should be sourced from both external and domestic entities but it is clear then Jamaica must borrow from the IMf(the big robber) to pay the Private Sector(the small robber),the question then where would the growth comes from?  He is now lambasting the government for not growing the economy, knowing himself that the government job under the IMF program is to stay out of the Economy, leave it to the Private sector. So, why not criticize the private sector? This is the game that both Mr. Phillip and Mr. Samuda are playing with our people. The situation in Jamaica presently with passing of the IMF test is the contraction in lending to small businesses, rising inflation, devaluation of our currency and the laying off of professional and public sector workers. He cannot criticize the Private Sector and he will always increase our debt with the IMF because he represents their interest.