Holness continued his usual distortion of facts at the Jamaica Labor Party congress that appears to be starved of oxygen. His own audience seems tired of his own false promises that very few stand to applaud him. On the question of youth advancement, reality has thrown that in the waste basket, most of our youths are plummeted by the indirect tax increase and some are populating our cemeteries or on the overseas job, assignments filling the cheap wages that the USA has to offer. Impoverishment along with murders has increased dramatically under his watch. The biggest lie pushed when he said that he is for the working class, he forget that he insulted our workers and professionals when he said there are no qualified workers in Jamaica. His promises of setting up centers for specialized training are questionable, why not use the existing educational facilities to accomplish that objective? There was no mention of fighting corruption, you cannot genuinely fight crime without tackling it from the top!! One can sense that the lack of enthusiasm from his audience is a reflection of his total failure across the board.