Andrew Holness, The Disrespect From The Youths Stem From You Accomodating Corruption, Attitude Towards The Poor, And False Promises

Andrew Holness, The Disrespect From The Youths Stem From You Accomodating Corruption, Attitude Towards The Poor, And False Promises

Our movement has accepted the workings of the government from the colonial constitution handed down to us as a starting point but acknowledge also that it must be amended to reflect our majority black consciousness.

Mr. Holness seems to relish exercising his power on the less fortunate within our society. The grievances against the prime minister stemmed from his handling of the pandemic which in reality seems to punish the poor while giving a blind eye to corporate violations. Our people are not fools, they make their living mostly in the evening and weekends, it is a known fact that our economy function only to benefit the rich and powerful. No active steps were taken to meet with community leaders across the island to come up with the best strategies so as to have conformity and respect for the rule of law.

It is serious development when you have security forces carrying out orders at the request of the Prime minister, this is not how a competent democracy works, this must stop!! Our legal system must respond and make their voices heard because they might be next.