Mr. Pearnel Charles, house speaker of our archaic tribal parliament reflected on the politics over the twenty years of his representation of his constituency, let us quote a few of his reflection.
" The politics that we play in Jamaica is not executive politics, where you drive past and say 'hi' and wave. That is not what it is anymore. It is one in which you are like a family involved with a constituency. I went to a man to ask him to vote for me. He said,'Mr Charles, i will vote for you, but you see the road that comes to my yard, you have to fix it before the election. Now, this is the night before the election. I said, 'But boss, the election is tomorrow', he says him no business, and he dont vote.
Taken from the Sunday Gleaner, 01/05.2020, "Should we thank or condemn Pearnel Charles" , Mark Wignall.
Mr. Charles over the twenty years in parliament went along with the game as long as he could enjoy the praise from the private sector and enrich himself without attempting to change the realities in the impoverished constituency. He went to beg for the vote on the eve of the election? This is a reflection of our whole electoral process and with the fifty-seven year of political independence, our country still languishes in political corruption and ignorance. It begs the question, why did he not assist Michael Manley in his attempt to improve the black majority economic condition so as to reduce the begging of our people? Mr. Charles is soon to be retired and will be consigned by the future generation to a museum of failed black leaders that was mentally enslaved!!